Chronicle of the Patriotic War: - SEPTEMBER 29

Chronicle of the Patriotic War: - SEPTEMBER 29

29 September, 09:24 Share on social media:

In response to the large-scale provocations committed by Armenian armed forces along entire length of the front, the Azerbaijani Army on September 27, 2020, launched a counter-offensive which then dubbed as “Iron Fist”. The 44-day war has put an end to the almost thirty years of occupation and ensured the restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The bright victory achieved under leadership of the Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev has been written in the history of Azerbaijan in golden letters.

1 tank, 1 vehicle and up to 10 servicemen of the enemy, who tried to move to the fore in the Fuzuli-Jabrayil direction of the front in the morning, were destroyed by artillery fire.

Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel made a phone call to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

President Ilham Aliyev responded to questions in “60 minutes” program of Rossiya-1” TV channel l.

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, 12 people were killed, 35 others were hospitalized as enemy's armed forces shelled Azerbaijani civilian population.