Illegal regime in Karabakh ceases to exist

Illegal regime in Karabakh ceases to exist

28 September, 11:16 Share on social media:

The illegal regime in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan ceases to exist by announcing its self-dissolution.

The head of the separatists Samvel Shahramanyan signed a 'decree' on the termination of the existence of the so-called 'Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh'.

The 'decree' notes that the separatist regime ceases to exist in connection with the current situation and with respect to the agreement reached with representatives of the central authorities of Azerbaijan through the mediation of the command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent which provides for the free, voluntary and unimpeded passage of residents of Karabakh, including military personnel who have laid down their arms, with their property on their their vehicles, along the Lachin road.

It is noted that the Armenian population of Karabakh should become familiar with the conditions of reintegration presented by the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to subsequently make an independent and individual decision on the possibility of staying (returning) to Karabakh.