NATO PA accepted our proposal over Zangazur Corridor

NATO PA accepted our proposal over Zangazur Corridor

29 September, 09:35 Share on social media:

The proposal submitted to the 68th session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) in Madrid, including the topic of the Zangazur Corridor, was accepted, said a member of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) - Economy and Security Committee, deputy chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), professor Mevlut Karakaya, citing Benguturk television channel.

Stating that “One belt, one road” and the Zangazur Corridor are the most urgent issues at the moment, the MP emphasized that the point proposed during the NATO PA on November 22 last year and added to the report aims to focus on the Zangazur Corridor: “In the proposal, we emphasized the role that Azerbaijan will play in the energy supply of the Euro-Atlantic region and the contribution of the Zangazur Corridor to the energy security of NATO allies. This was accepted. Zangazur Corridor is of great importance in terms of regional security, cooperation and economic progress.”

Mevlut Karakaya called the Zangazur Corridor the gateway to the Turkic world and the road to Turan, along with energy security and economic progress: “The importance of this corridor is very high for us in terms of global and regional relations. Because the Zangazur Corridor, in addition to its contribution to the global economy and security issues, is the security of Azerbaijan for us, the door to the Turkic world, the road to Turan.”