You have not seen even in movies what happened to this woman... - VIDEO

You have not seen even in movies what happened to this woman... - VIDEO

28 April, 15:25 Share on social media:

Azerbaijan Television has made a feature film - documentary to draw attention to the violence against women.

According to the TV channel's Social Media and PR Department, the film entitled "Blind man's buff" is based on a true story. 

Four out of the heroines of the film talk about what has happened to them. Although their stories are different from one another, each of them is a victim of violence. They escaped from their tragedy and found refuge in women's shelters. They expect advice from psychotherapists by telling them their stories. 

One of the women talking to an expert claims that nobody has gone through what she has gone through; it is impossible to see those painful years even in movies. 

The last story is about the woman who is no longer alive. She was thrown out from a balcony by her husband and murdered. This is the worst outcome of violence. 

The choice of the film name - "Blind man's buff" is no coincidence. Thus, "blind man's buff" has been chosen as a symbol: the metaphor of those who choose their lives and destiny with closed eyes. 

It is noteworthy that in 2021 alone, 70 women were killed, 24 women were injured in Azerbaijan. 

What is the reason of this brutality? Who is to blame: only those, who use violence, or everybody who turns a blind eye to this? 

The film is attempting to find an answer to this question.

The director of "Blind man's buff" is Zaur Zeynal, scriptwriter - Leyla Gadirzade and cameraman - Agshin Rzayev. 

The feature film - documentary will be broadcast on April 29 at 18:25 on AzTV.