Creative crew of "Nariman Narimanov. The last visit" visits writer's house-museum

Creative crew of "Nariman Narimanov. The last visit" visits writer's house-museum

19 May, 17:05 Share on social media:

Azerbaijan Television's "Sabah" Creative Studio has made a film-play about statesman, writer Nariman Narimanov within the framework of the project "Commemorate me". 

The film-play entitled "Nariman Narimanov. The last visit" is dedicated to Nariman Narimanov's arrival from Moscow in Baku in March of 1925 and his meeting with some of his comrades-in-arms. 

The film-play has been broadcast on AzTV and caused the interest of viewers. 

The author of the project's idea is People's Artist Ramiz Hasanoghlu, stage director - Siraj Mustafayev, director - Anakhanim Abdullayeva and scriptwriter - Seymur Shahbazov.  

On May 18, the creative crew of the film-play visited Nariman Narimanov's house-museum. 

The disc and script of the film-play "Nariman Narimanov. The last visit" have been presented to the museum. 

It is noteworthy that within the framework of the project "Commemorate me", films-plays about historical figures are shot, light is shed on some of the events that happened in their lives.