A lecture of chairman of the United Ukrainian Azerbaijanis Congress, president of the Ukrainian Nations Assembly Rovshan Taghiyev was heard at Ukraine’s Economics and Management Institute. Addressing numerous students and pedagogical staff, Rovshan Taghiyev gave a number of proposals during the lecture entitled “Ukraine’s Domestic and Foreign Policy, Economy and European Countries: Problems and Solutions”. He spoke about the role of young people in solving problems on the way to Ukraine’s integration in Europe. Providing examples in his lecture, R. Taghiyev gave the development road of his historical motherland Azerbaijan and its international tolerance and economic indicators as an example. The facts provided in the lecture were met with interest, and the lecture continued with questions. A scientific conference was also held at the Institute. Director of the Institute Svetlana Nesteronka and a number of diplomatic representatives took part in both events. A letter of gratitude to Rovshan Taghiyev has been published on the official website of the Institute.